
Words can't describe it...

We have been flooded with kind words, advice, looks of wild-eyed expectation, but right now we really don't know what it is going to be like.

We thought this was a great passage from "Dad's Pregnant Too" by Harlan Cohen, and thought we would share:

" ....It is something programmed into our DNA that's activated during this process. And when the switch is flipped and it happens, the world will change forever. It's an emotional state so powerful and all-consuming there are no words for it. Don't worry about not feeling it right away. It will happen, but when it happens will vary. It could be immediately after the birth, or an hour, a day, a week, or a few months later - but it will happen. It's not something you need to force. No matter the heaviness or happiness of the moments leading up to the birth , it will all be worth it. The adrenaline rush of fatherhood is better than any drug - once the initial surge subsides, the feeling lingers forever. It's what bonds us to the baby.
From conception to coming home, the whole journey is exhilarating, exhausting, and awe-inspiring. It's something you'll probably want to do again and again. And while you might in fact do it again and again, savor the first time - the first is a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Enjoy the adventure ahead...."

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