
4th times a Charm with Twins!

After three egg donoations and 3 IVF's we were still excited about the process. It was emotionally hard but we really want a family.
The fourth time with our new egg donor was the winner. We are pregnant with twins! Not expected, but we are truly excited.
We waited until the end of the first trimester to announce it as we were a little gun shy, but everything to date ( Thank God) has been positive and normal with a twin pregancy. We are at 14 weeks and about to tell all of our friends and family. "
We are going to our next visit in three weeks and we will find our the sex of the babies. We will keep you posted. Estimated due date is mid to later November. Because it's twins we have a chance they will come early. But if all goes well, we will have two beautiful babies to be a part of our is going to be a wonderful ride!


  1. Couldn't be happier for you both!!! Get ready for the most amazing journey of your lives!!! Love the blog it's such a great way for people to stay up on the pregnancy!! :-)

  2. That's awesome you guys!!!! I didn't even know you were in this process. I'm so excited for you both and can't wait to meet the little ones. You guys will be amazing parents!!! Much Love to you both ;) xoxo

  3. Enjoy every moment!I think this is a wonderful decision in your lives!An experience that can never be replicated-a joy of your life x two!!

    We are thrilled for you!!!

    Lori and Spencer
